Medway Boys & Ikari - Present - MR HELI - DOCS. Typed by Phantom Lord (MEDWAY BOYS) INTRODUCTION ------------ Far away on the other side of the universe, a shining green planet is losing it's life to the twisted followers of a mad scientist known only as "The Muddy"! It is your job as part of the Cosmic Heli Patrol to unmask the evil Muddy and restore the balance of nature. Use your trusty joystick to fly Mr. Heli deep into the heart of the planet, firing missiles, bullets and bombs at The Muddy's followers as you go. You may also use your weapons to destroy groups of bricks and uncover as small fortune in crystals which you may use to buy the surrounding power-ups. LOADING INSTRUCTIONS -------------------- AMIGA ----- Amiga 1000 users should switch on the computer and insert a kickstart 1.2 disc. When the Workbench prompt appears, insert the game disc. After about ten seconds the title picture will appear and the game should load in about thirty seconds. ATARI ST -------- Insert the first game disc and switch on the computer. Insert the seconds game disc when prompted to do so. JOYSTICK CONTROLS ----------------- Pushing the joystick up will cause Heli to climb. Pulling the joystick down will cause Heli to dive. Pushing the joystick left or right will cause Heli to fly to the left or right. Pressing the fire button while Heli is in the air will activate Heli's guns and missiles. Press the fire button while Heli is resting on level ground will activate Heli's guns and bombs. KEYBOARD CONTROLS ----------------- AMIGA ST ----- -- Pause............Left Mouse Button F1 Quit.............F2 F2 Music On/Off.....F3 F3 BOMB ---- Add one to the number of bombs Mr Heli can drop each time you press the fire button. MISSILE ------- Add one to the number of homing missiles Mr Heli can fire at once. GUN --- Add one to the number of bullets Mr Heli can fire. CIRCLE ------ A pick up sheild. PETROL ------ Increases Me Heli's energy level. FISH ---- Destroy all bricks on screen. SOLD OUT -------- This will appear after you have bought something or if Mr Heli already has it.